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moj slovar !

Petar M. , 8.c

SLOVARČEK - Monika in Urška

NAJIN SLOVARČEK (Urškin in Monikin)


SAIL ACROSS:   jadrati čez

TRAVEL ALONG:   potovati po

SPICES:   začimbe

VOYAGE:   potovanje


From 500BC people travelled along the Silk Road to buy and sell things.

Ferdinand Magellan made  the first voyage around the world.

Camels carried silk and spices to Europe, and returned with gold and silver.

Between 800 and 1100, the Vikings sailed across the Atlantic from Scandinavia to Greenland and North America. 

slovarček anja vidonja in špela osrajnik

sail across-potovati preko
Betweeno 800 and 1100, the Vikings sailed across the Antlantic from Scandinavia to Greenland and North America.

travel along-potovati po
Marco Polo was the first person to travel the whole way along the road.

Camels carried silk and spices to Europe and returned with gold and silver.

In 1519, an expedition by the Portugese explorer Ferdinand Magellan made the first voyage around the world.


slovarček luka h.

sail across – pluti čez
travel along – potovati vzdolž
spices - začimbe
voyage – potovanje, plovba

American marines sail acros Pacific ocean.

Vikings travel along Greenland and North America.

Cook add spices to food.

Obama voyage on hollydays by plane.


sail across - jadrati čez
travel along - potovati vzdolž
spices - začimbe
voyage - potovanje
The Vikings sailed across the Atlantic ocean..
From 500BC people travelled along the Silk road to buy and sell things.
Camels carried silk and spices to Europe.
Ferdinand Magellan made the first voyage around the world.