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Topic 4 Forum - Questionnaire
You can ask or discuss any issues from the questionnaire.
Forum Kreativnost kod nastavnika i učenika - uloga agencije
Forum moderira Marija
Task 1/2 - "Creativity is as important as literacy"/Zadatak 1/2-"Kreativnost je važna kao i pismenost
"Creativity is as important as literacy."(K. Robinson)

Watch this video.

People usually distrust their own creativity. They believe that creativity is inherited, the product of family or personal history or of our education. This misconception leads us to believe that only some people are born ...
Task 1/1 - Social media in education/Zadatak 1/1- Društveni medij u obrazovanju

Task 1/1 - Social media in education/Zadatak 1/1 Društveni medij u obrazovanju

Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Netlog, Youtube ...) have become the most visited web pages.

Thus the question of including social networks into education arises so as to use each moment the young spend on the ...
Internet safety Forum
Final session reflection forum
reflection time